
ENVIRONMENTAL ATTRIBUTES Recycled - the use of the "chasing arrows" or Mobius loop in this catalog means the paper contains some recycled fiber. This recycled fiber may contain Post Consumer and/or Pre-Consumer recycled fibers. (The Mobius loop with no background is another logo that describes the product as being "recyclable." Sustainable Forestry Initiative - A comprehensive system of principles, objectives and performance measures developed by foresters, conservationists, and scientists that promotes responsible forest management in North America and responsible wood procurement globally. Third-party certification documents the chain of custody through all stages of production back to the forest of origin. FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) - The global benchmark for responsible forest management. The FSC label identifies products which contain wood fibers from well managed forests certified in accordance with the rules of the Forest Stewardship Council. Third-party certification documents the chain of custody through all stages of production back to the forest of origin. PEFC (Programe for the Endorsement of Forest Certification Schemes) - PEFC is an independent, global umbrella organization which promotes sustainable managed forests through independent third- party certification by providing an assurance mechanism to purchasers of wood and paper products that they are promoting the sustainable management of forests. PEFC is supported by 149 governments in the world covering 85% of the world's forest area. Green Seal - An independent non-profit organization dedicated to safeguarding the environment and transforming the marketplace by promoting the manufacture, purchase, and use of environmentally responsible products and services. RECYCLED PAPERS WHAT CONSTITUTES RECYCLED PAPER?
Few papers are made from 100 percent recycled materials. Most recycled paper is a combination of recovered and virgin pulp. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has set forth official standards as to what Qualifies as recycled paper. THERE ARE TWO CATEGORIES OF RECOVERED WASTE PAPER:
Pre-consumer waste paper is dry paper and paperboard waste generated after completion 0 the paper making process, but before its use by the consumer. It includes envelope cuttings, bindery trimmings, and other paper and paperboard waste resulting from printing, cutting, forming, and other converting operations. Unused stock and obsolete inventories from merchants, printers, converters, etc. are also considered pre-consumer by the EPA. It does not include mill trimmings. Post-consumer waste paper is paper, paperboard, and fibrous waste from retail stores, office buildings, homes, etc. after it has passed through its end usage as a consumer item. It includes used corrugated boxes, newspapers, magazines, books, computer printouts, and many other sources. This material is usually printed, and often glued or coated. THE DEMAND FOR RECYCLED PAPERS
The demand for recycled paper is growing rapidly and so too, is the list of our suppliers. Be assured that as new grades become available, they will become part of an every-growing inventory to which we - and therefore you-have access. If you'd like more information about recycled papers, or any of our many grades, contact GPI.

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